Arbusto dalla chioma ascendente e densa. Foglie sempreverdi di colore verde acceso con la pagina inferiore più chiara, dure, ovali, dai margini seghettati. Cresce in tutti i terreni ma prospera in quelli umidi, ricchi, acidi o alcalini, ha bisogno di luce e resiste alle potature e alle basse temperature. Viene spesso coltivato ad alberetto, e viene spesso usato anche per le siepi è adatto a climi freddi. Foglie: Verde brillante Clima: Temperato Temperatura Minima: -15/-25°C
MPS Certificated
Our company was set up in the seventies in the heart of Pistoia by Stefano Baronti: his passion for plants and a strong ambition, has got the company to where it is today. Passion and ambition: the same characteristies that lead the new generation today, attentive to new growing techniques aimed at optimising production and improving the quality of the work. From a small piece of land, year after year, we now grow plants on 12 hectars in pots and planted in the soil.
Our experience, tradition and transformation has made us a modern and dynamic company with a passion for our work thewe trasmetted to our client.
AIMS: to continue to invest in the growth of the company always guaranteens high standard of production looking at the future and keeping tradition